Gallery list / Atelier Clot, Bramsen & Co

Atelier Clot, Bramsen & Co

19 Rue Vieille Du Temple, 75004 Paris - France


CLOT, BRAMSEN & Co, today the oldest printing workshop in Paris, was founded by Auguste Clot back in late 19th century, where he was known as the capitals finest art printer.

Not only due to his skills, but not at least, the new way he mixed the various colors in the printing process attracted the young “Nabis” who in Auguste Clot found a true and highly professional inspirator. As the predecessors, the Impressionists, Vollard also ordered prints by the young “Nabis” to be a part of his famous graphic albums.

From 1896 the most beautiful works were printed at Clots presses, signed by Degas, Cézanne, Renoir, Sisley, Redon, Bonnard, Vuillard, Signac, Munch, Rodin and many others.

In 1934 André Clot, the son of the founder Auguste Clot succeeded his father as daily leader. In this period, Rouault, Matisse, Denis, Roussel, Guillaumin, Foujita and others had their time in the workshop

In 1963 the Danish lithograph Peter Bramsen enters the workshop as associates.

In 1965 together with the founder’s grandson Dr. Guy Georges they found EDITIONS ATELIER CLOT - publishing prints.

In 1968 the workshop moves to larger premises situated in Rue Vielle du Temple in the center of the Marais district. Again the old printing workshop succeeded to attract artists creating masterpieces on the old stone press. Just to mention Asger Jorn, Pierre Alechinsky, Antonio Saura, Bram Van Velde, Maurice Wyckaert, Pol Bury, Roland Topor, Tabuschi , Jan Voss, Antonio Segui, and many other well know international artists.

In 1988 Christian Bramsen enters the company as associate, and a guarantee for the high professional standard will maintain as it was founded for over 100 years ago. Christian Bramsen is international oriented, and among others, he arranges retrospective exhibitions all over the world, mostly focusing on a specific artist and his works created at the workshop.

From 2004 Morten Brunholt takes over the established sales representation in Scandinavia, and as from 2013 now also a part of the Scandinavian publishing activities.

  • Gallery
    Atelier Clot, Bramsen & Co
  • Last name
    Victor Bramsen
  • Address
    19 Rue Vieille Du Temple, 75004 Paris
  • Website
  • Country
  • Phone number
    +33 (0)9 52 60 91 59

Atelier Clot, Bramsen & Co - Represented artists

ACEVES HUMANA Fernando (8) AHLBERG Ole (11) ALECHINSKY Pierre (359) AMAN-JEAN Edmond (1) ANDERSEN Mogens (2) APPEL Karel (1) ARCEO René (1) ARICKX Lydie (10) ARITZA Guillermo (6) ARMAN Pierre Fernandez (6) ASSE Genevieve (1) BABLET Mathieu (1) BAEZ Claudia (2) BAJ Enrico (1) BANG Simon (2) BARCELO Miquel (21) BASTOW Michael (1) BAUDELOCQUE Philippe (5) BEHNCKE Søren (3) BERTHEMET Théophile (2) BESNARD Albert (1) BIGUM Martin (17) BOESEN Trine (4) BONNARD Pierre (16) BOUVIER Patrice (8) BRISSON Pierre-Marie (7) BRUSSE Mark (1) BURY Pol (6) CALDER Alexander (3) CARLSEN Troels (3) CARRASCO BRETÓN Julio (4) CARRIERE Eugene (1) CASTELLI Luciano (3) CEZANNE Paul (3) CHAUDOUËT Yves (8) CHRISTO Javacheff (2) COLOMBIER Julien (1) CORNEILLE Guillaume (3) COTTET Charles (1) CRITON Jean (1) DE BONA Olivia (1) DE FEURE Georges (1) DE SAINT PHALLE Niki (8) DEBRÉ Olivier (3) DEGAS Edgar (1) DELPRAT Hélène (1) DENIS Maurice (15) DENNING Ken (24) DIETMAN Eric (2) DIZAC Alëxone (4) DMITRIENKO (2) DOLMA Marie (11) DOTREMONT Christian (4) DUARTE Héctor (1) ECKHARDT Rasmus (4) EGESKOV Pernille (2) ENGELMANN Martin (3) ERRO Gudmundur (50) ESTEVE Maurice (1) FANTIN-LATOUR Henri-Theodore (2) FEIEREISEN Marie Paule (1) FERRÉ Manuella (37) FLORES Demián (9) FORAIN Jean (1) FOUCAULT-GINI Tiziano (1) GIRONELLA Alberto (1) GRANARA Cecilia (1) GRASSET Eugène (1) GRINBERG Jacques (13) GUILLAUMIN Armand (2) HAMON John (1) HARBOE FLENSBURG Anette (5) HAUGEN SØRENSEN Arne (4) HENIN Bérengère (9) HENIN Bérangère (1) HENRIQUEZ Marcela (3) HERMANN-PAUL (13) HOLM René (3) HUFTIER Jean Paul (10) HUMAIR Daniel (9) JACOBSEN Egill (1) JARROSSON Silvère (20) JORN Asger (30) JUNG-YEON Min (1) KABANGU Jack (3) KJAERGAARD Mie Olise (2) KLASEN Peter (13) KRISTENSEN Dennis (5) KRØJER Tom (7) KUDO Tetsumi (5) LAM Wifredo (2) LARSEN Peter (1) LAZO Fulgencio (1) LEHEUTRE Gustave (1) LEICK Joël (18) LUNOIS Alexandre (2) MAD MEG (4) MADAME (4) MARFAING André (2) MARTENSEN Peter (11) MARTIN Henri (1) MATTA Roberto (18) MATTILA Jaako (9) MERCADO Dolores (1) MEYSO (3) MICHAUX Henri (1) MIHAILOVITCH Bata (1) MIOTTE Jean (4) MUNCH Edvard (7) MYRVOLD Pia (9) MØRKEBERG Mie (3) NIEUWENHUYS Constant (1) NUPEN Kjell (6) NØRGAARD Bjørn (69) NØRGARD Lars (37) OBVIOUS (1) OLGUIN Guillermo (3) OLIVIER O Olivier (9) ORZELEK Karolina (3) OTSUKI (7) PEDERSEN Poul (2) PEDERSEN Carl-Henning (2) PÉNEAU Jean-François (16) PHILLIPE Jean-Denys (11) POLKE Sigmar (1) POMET Paco (11) RADHAMÈS Mejia (3) RAFTE HEIN Mads (2) RANTZAU Jacob (10) RAY Man (1) REDON Odilon (3) REICHERT Marco (7) REINHOUD D'haese (4) RENOIR Pierre-Auguste (12) RODIN Auguste (1) ROUSSOPOLOS Alexandra (3) SAURA Antonio (72) SCHELDE Morten (21) SEGUI Antonio (24) SISLEY Alfred (1) SIVERSTEN Jan (20) SOULAGES Pierre (1) STHOLL Jean-Pierre (22) STORNES Stanley (2) SUGAI Kumi (12) TABUCHI Yasse (8) TAILLANDIER Yvon (5) TING Walasse (14) TOLEDO Francisco (11) TOPOR Roland (90) TOULOUSE-LAUTREC Henri De (12) TRAMPEDACH Kurt (8) TØJNER Vibeke (11) VALLOTTON Felix (1) VAN VELDE Bram (9) VELICKOVIC Vladimir (1) VILLEGLÉ Jacques (2) VOSS Jan (8) VUILLARD Edouard (13) WEMAERE Pierre (1) WYCKAERT Maurice (70)
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