Marc Chagall / DLM - Derrière le miroir nº 27-28 Angeboten von Artsobrepaper

Marc CHAGALL - DLM - Derrière le miroir nº 27-28

Angeboten von Artsobrepaper

  • Jahr
  • Technik
    Illustriertes buch
  • Bildmaße
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Blattmaße
    28,0 x 38,0 cm / 11.0 x 15.0 in
  • Preis
    Auf Anfrage
  • Referenz
    Keine Angabe
  • Besuch(e)
  • Zustand
Marc CHAGALL - DLM - Derrière le miroir nº 27-28

Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire and by Blaise Cendrars, texts by Jean Wahl and by Lionello Venturi.

loose in sheets in illustrated wrappers. Maeght Publisher, Paris. Texts by Jean Wahl "Chagall Marc" and by Lionello Venturi "Chagall et les âmes mortes", poems by Guillaume Apollinaire "Rotsoge" and by Blaise Cendrars "Atelier", two lithographs in colors after Chagall (including one in double-page). Réf. : Cat. DLM 1946-1982 page 21.

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