Hans Erni / Ex Libris Leopold Ruzicka Angeboten von Galerie Gerhard Zaehringer

Hans ERNI - Ex Libris Leopold Ruzicka

Angeboten von Galerie Gerhard Zaehringer

  • Jahr
  • Technik
  • Bildmaße
    9,8 x 9,1 cm / 3.9 x 3.6 in
  • Blattmaße
    12,1 x 11,2 cm / 4.8 x 4.4 in
  • Preis
    42 euros (€)
  • Referenz
    Carl J. Burckhardt. Hans Erni. Zürich 1964, S. 4.
  • Besuch(e)
  • Zustand
Hans ERNI - Ex Libris Leopold Ruzicka

HANS ERNI (Luzern 1909 – 2015).
Ex Libris Leopold Ruzicka. Radierung in Rot. 1947. In der Platte Mitte rechts unten bezeichnet: „e“. 9,8 : 9,1 cm auf Bütten 12,1 : 11,2 cm.
Reprod. in: Carl J. Burckhardt. Hans Erni. Zürich 1964, S. 4. – Lavoslav Ružička born as Lavoslav (Leopold) Ružička (13 September 1887 – 26 September 1976) was a Croatian scientist and winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize in Chemistry who worked most of his life in Switzerland. He received eight honoris causa doctorates in science, medicine, and law; seven prizes and medals; and twenty-four honorary memberships in chemical, biochemical, and other scientific societies. (Wikipedia).

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