Tom Mcglynn / Survey 1 Angeboten von Ideelart

Tom MCGLYNN - Survey 1

Angeboten von Ideelart

  • Jahr
  • Technik
    Keine technische
  • Bildmaße
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Blattmaße
    55,8 x 83,8 cm / 22.0 x 33.0 in
  • Auflage
  • Preis
    Auf Anfrage
  • Referenz
    Keine Angabe
  • Besuch(e)
  • Zustand
Tom MCGLYNN - Survey 1

Acrylic on Fabriano paper - Unframed.

This work is part of an ongoing series started in 2012 and titled Survey.

McGlynn is interested in how a minimally-determined presentation of form can critique the residual meaning of the mediated imagery of popular culture, including corporate logos and perhaps more common signage.

"Survey" obliquely refers to a play on behavioural testing but also how contemporary images "scan". The title meant more in a connotative sense than any strict conceptual denotation.

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