• Jahr
  • Technik
  • Bildmaße
    9,0 x 11,0 cm / 3.5 x 4.3 in
  • Blattmaße
    12,0 x 16,0 cm / 4.7 x 6.3 in
  • Auflage
  • Preis
    Auf Anfrage
  • Referenz
    Keine Angabe
  • Besuch(e)
  • Zustand
Davide MONTELEONE - Spasibo

The portfolio of ''Spasibo Contac Prints'' is composed of 15 contact silver gelatin prints made from the original film (paper 12x16 cm - print 9x11 cm), housed together in a grey silk protective box.The prints are all separately signed and dated on the back. Copy 3/25 / Il portfolio ''Spasibo Contac Prints'' si compone di 15 stampe a contatto ai sali d'argento realizzate dalla pellicola originale (foglio 12x16 cm - stampe 9x11) in cofanetto di seta grigia. Le stampe sono tutte firmate e datate sul retro dall'Artista. Roma, edizione privata, 2014. Copia 3/25

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