Antoni Tàpies / Llambrec Material Angeboten von Artsobrepaper

Antoni TÀPIES - Llambrec Material

Angeboten von Artsobrepaper

  • Jahr
  • Technik
    Illustriertes buch
  • Bildmaße
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Blattmaße
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Preis
    1 500 euros (€)
  • Referenz
    Keine Angabe
  • Besuch(e)
  • Zustand
Antoni TÀPIES - Llambrec Material

One of imited Edition: 300 copies on Offset paper.

The Limited Edition include 12 unsigned lithographs
(9 measuring 44 x 32 cm and 3 measuring 44 x 64 cm).
All the copies measure 44 x 32 cm and contain 102 pages with the original poems
in Japanese and translations into English, French and Catalan. Presented in folder
and cloth-lined slipcase.

Antoni Tàpies has made twelve magnificent lithographs to illustrate
sixteen poems by Shuzo Takiguchi. The deep and disturbing work
production of the great Catalan artist and the lyrical word of the poet Japanese, they offer us an extraordinary book in which they merge two different conceptions of the world, but close by height and quality of representations.

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