Tenesh Webber / Mid Point 2 Angeboten von Ideelart

Tenesh WEBBER - Mid Point 2

Angeboten von Ideelart

  • Jahr
  • Technik
  • Bildmaße
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Blattmaße
    28,0 x 28,0 cm / 11.0 x 11.0 in
  • Auflage
  • Preis
    Auf Anfrage
  • Referenz
    Keine Angabe
  • Besuch(e)
  • Zustand
Tenesh WEBBER - Mid Point 2

This image is part of an ongoing series began in 2006.

To create the images Webber stretches and layers thread on a pre-cut frame. The resulting images are made by laying this “plate” onto black and white photographic paper in the darkroom. The photograms are printed in editions of five, with variations.

The imagery is built up using layers of thread, to create rhythmic, intuitive compositions, which offer tension between the organic and rectilinear. They suggest macro and micro views of nature, or of the man made.

With this photogram, Webber experimented with a grid form, and introduced objects of varying scales.

This is edition 3 of 5

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